Surface Pro 4 / 3 ビジネス活用日記

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TechNet BlogsにSurfaceのブログが新設! 第1回は近日公開のファームウェアアップデートを予告





Surfaceに関するMicrosoft公式の情報発信としては"Surface Blog"があり、ここでは、Surfaceの新製品情報や導入事例についての情報を得ることができます。


このたび、これに加えて、"TechNet Blogs"の中に"Surface in Enterprise"が新設されました。





第1回は、近日配信されるSurface Pro 3のファームウェアアップデートについての記事


第1回は、"Information on the upcoming updates for Surface Pro 3"と題して、近日配信されるファームウェアアップデートの予定について書かれています。


As more of you are deploying, adopting and managing Surface Pro 3 devices in your organizations, you have asked to learn about the updates for the device in advance of them being available. Based on your feedback, we are sharing the key improvements that are coming to your Surface Pro 3 device in the upcoming update. 

企業内でSurface Pro 3を運用しているITProから、「ファームウェアアップデートをいきなり公開するのではなく、事前に内容を予告してほしい」という要望を受け、それにこたえるとの趣旨とのこと。




Surface Pro UEFI update (v3.11.350.0) 

  • Resolves scenarios where the device will boot to a black screen if McAfee Defense Encryption 7.1.1 is installed.
  • Optimizes the FWPOST time to 3.7 seconds with the fast boot enabled.
  • Prevents situations where system clock loses time when battery falls below 3%.



Surface Home Button driver update (v2.0.1174.0)

  • Along with the pen update below, this helps prevent scenarios where device may accidentally wake up from sleep while being stored or carried.


Surface Pen Settings driver update (v2.5.14.0)

  • Along with the home button driver update above, this helps to prevent scenarios where the device may accidentally wake up from sleep while being stored or carried.



Wireless Network Controller and Bluetooth driver update (v15.68.3066.135)

  • Enables better throughput after waking from sleep and connecting to an 802.11AC network.
  • Ensures Infra scan list is not empty while connected to a wireless display adapter.
  • Resolves an issue connecting to Cisco 1242 access points.
  • Ensures device reconnects properly to a hidden SSID using a 5Ghz DFS channel after waking from sleep.
  • Adds customer-requested functionality to prefer 5Ghz connections when both a 2.4ghz and 5ghz connection are present with the same SSID.











