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Windowsの未来:「収斂」はするが、「統合」や「消滅」はしない:Mary Jo Foley氏の結論


30年来のMicrosoftウォッチャー、Mart Jo Foley氏の投稿(米ZDnetの連載)


Mary Jo Foley氏は、先週来の騒動に自らの結論を下した。


米国時間12月3日、30年来のMicrosoftウォッチャーであり、第一人者である(と恥ずかしながら私は最近知りましたが)Mary Jo Foley氏は、米国ZDnetに連載しているコラムに、以下の記事を投稿しました。


Microsoft's Windows future: One core, many SKUs | ZDNetMicrosoft's Windows future: One core, many SKUs | ZDNet


先週、MicrosoftのExecutive Vice President であるJulie Larson-Green氏がインタビュー中に発言した、"We have the Windows Phone OS. We have Windows RT and we have full Windows. We're not going to have three."という一節について、彼女がその後取材したうえで、結論を述べたものです。



同時に、これは、彼女自身が報じた、"Microsoft: We aren't going to have three different versions of Windows"と題する記事に対する回答でもあります。


Microsoft: We aren't going to have three different versions of Windows | ZDNetMicrosoft: We aren't going to have three different versions of Windows | ZDNet




マイクロソフト、「Windows」各種バージョンの統合を目指す--幹部発言 - CNET Japan







Recent remarks by a Microsoft exec who noted there won't be three different Windows variants in the future have set off a storm of speculation  -- just about all of which is dead wrong.



I've seen folks claiming Larson-Green's comments mean Windows RT is dead. I've seen others claiming Larson-Green's remarks mean the Windows Desktop is dead. I've seen another group claiming she was conveying that the Windows Phone OS is dead.

Larson-Green didn't actually say any of those things. (You can read her exact words in this transcript.)







Microsoft currently has three different versions of Windows running on mobile devices. But Microsoft is working to reduce that number, Julie Larson-Green, Executive Vice President of Devices and Studios, confirmed in an interview last week.







One core, many SKUs

So what did Larson-Green's remarks mean? In my view it's not exactly "One Windows," as my ZDNet collealgue Simon Bisson recently described it. In reality, it's a bit more nuanced. It's more like "One core and many SKUs" -- the lot of which Microsoft plans to call "Windows."

Microsoft has been on a journey toward this new approach for a couple of years now. At the start of this year, Microsoft brass were talking publicly about the ability to "write once, run on any Windows."


ラーソングリーン氏の発言は、額面通り受け取るべきものではなく、もう少しニュアンスが含まれていたというのです。それを、Foley氏は、記事の題名にもなっている "One core and many SKUs"と形容しています。



Microsoft has been on a journey toward this new approach for a couple of years now. At the start of this year, Microsoft brass were talking publicly about the ability to "write once, run on any Windows."

The Windows NT core is now the heart of Windows Phone 8, Windows 8, Windows RT and the Xbox One operating systems. These platforms share some (but not all) application programming interfaces and developer tools. (I've heard talk that only about a third of the Windows APIs are currently shared between Windows RT, Microsoft's ARM version of Windows, and Windows Phone OS which runs on ARM.)







Then, with "Threshold," the next Windows wave following Blue, which starts rolling in around Spring of 2015, Microsoft will enlarge the footprint of the common Windows core shared by phone, tablets, PCs and entertainment console even further. The goal is to make sure all the flavors of Windows share more in terms of foundational infrastructure, i.e. the same file system, driver model, memory manager, application platform, app store and services.





Windows SKUs, or versions, will continue to differ based on platform: Phone, phablet, mini tablet, tablets, laptop, desktop PC, console. Some of these form factors will run a single "Windows" SKU; others will offer customers a choice of two (such as Home and Pro in the case of PCs, for example). The difference will be in the UI/UX (user interface and user experience). In other words, the Windows that runs on your phone won't be the same Windows from a look, feel and/or use perspective, that runs on your Xbox One, or even your ARM-based tablet.




で、具体的にはこれからどうなるのか? という話


そもそも、先週ラーソングリーン氏が語ったのは、ほとんどが抽象的な総括やビジョンに関することでした。それが、"We're not going to have three."のところだけ妙に具体的だったので、それが独り歩きしてしまったのですね。





How will Microsoft differentiate Windows SKUs that include the desktop environment and support legacy Win32 apps from those that don't? That's the million-dollar branding question. Windows RT was not the answer, as Larson-Green herself recently conceded. 


Bottom line: This transition won't be complete next year. Or even the year after. And the end result will likely be neither as simple as a single Windows SKU, nor as complex as 10 largely different flavors of Windows.


レガシーwin32アプリが動くデスクトップ環境とそうでないものをMicrosoftがどう差別化するかは、100万ドルの価値がある質問だ、と。今のWindows RTはその答ではない。








その上で、「Surface 2が販売中止になる、あるいは、Windows RTのサポートが打ち切られる」といった事態が近々に起こることは考えられないと判断しました。


将来的にSurfaceやWindows RTという名称はひょっとすると変更になるかもしれませんが、シンプルで安全に使えるタブレットPCは引き続き開発されるでしょう。









id:ms_evaの皆さん、恐れ入りますが、"One core, many SKU"について何らか技術的な解説が可能なようでしたらぜひお願いいたします。



マイクロソフト、「Windows」各種バージョンの統合を目指す--幹部発言 - CNET Japan

Microsoftの3つのOSはWindowsに統合へ──ハードウェア責任者がRT消滅を示唆 - ITmedia ニュース

【検証】「Windows RTが消滅」と報じた本日のITmedia社の記事について - Viva! マイタブ (Surface 2&RT / Windows Phone)